Sunday, June 24, 2007

Quotable Dr. De Mir

If you alternate reading murakami and gaiman, some really funny things happen to your mind. Here is a brain dump:

A hole defines a donut. A baker can possibly come up with something else, without a hole, and tastes exactly like a donut. But since by common (non)sense donuts have a hole, bakers will put a hole in it. The hole has nothing to do with the taste, texture and chemical structure of the thing. And once you eat the donut, it will not make a difference anyway.

These days I feel that the meaning of life is exactly like a hole in a donut. Metaphysically we can not agree on whether it exists on not. But as donuts have a hole, our lives have a meaning. That is we can not even start talking about our lives without referencing to a meaning. Even Kirilov in Demons is driven by a very complicated goal function. And similar to donut it really does not matter once it ends. Whether the life's meaning exists is a different question from whether one's life has a meaning. And (eureka!) we are done. The meaning of life and the hole in a donut are very similar things. Aren't they Peter Parker?

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